On 24th Aug, The Cabinet Ministers of India decided to convert Optionally Convertible Debentures of IFCI to the tune of Rs 923 Crores at PAR. Post conversion government will directly hold 55.57 % of IFCI and up to 68.31 % of IFCI if we take into account the stake of other PSU in IFCI. There was full disclosure in the annual reports of IFCI about the conversion at Par subject to SEBI guidelines on Takeover.
We will also look at the background of IFCI,
The Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) was converted into a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 on 31.3.1993. It was then decided that holding of Government controlled institutions in IFCI should be maintained above 51 percent.
In the wake of likely systemic impact of IFCI defaulting on its liabilities, in the year 2001, the Government infused Rs.400 crore as Tier-l capital of IFCI in the form of 20 year 9.75 percent unsecured Convertible Debentures. This was a cash neutral transaction.
Thereafter, in December 2002, the Government had approved a financial assistance of Rs.5220 crore to IFCI which was to be released over the period from 2003 to 2011-12. Out of the package of Rs.5220 crore, financial assistance of Rs.2932.31 crore (Rs.523 crore as loan in the form of OCDs and Rs.2409.31 crore as grants-in-aid) was released. In 2006-07 the company started making profit and it was decided to stop release of further assistance to IFCI. The OCD terms said that IFCI can repay OCD to government.
The equity holding of Public Sector-Banks / Financial Institutions / Insurance Companies remained over the threshold limit of 51 percent till March 2004. Thereafter dilution in the holding took place in 2005 and it came below 51 percent.
In the wake of likely systemic impact of IFCI defaulting on its liabilities, in the year 2001, the Government infused Rs.400 crore as Tier-l capital of IFCI in the form of 20 year 9.75 percent unsecured Convertible Debentures. This was a cash neutral transaction.
Thereafter, in December 2002, the Government had approved a financial assistance of Rs.5220 crore to IFCI which was to be released over the period from 2003 to 2011-12. Out of the package of Rs.5220 crore, financial assistance of Rs.2932.31 crore (Rs.523 crore as loan in the form of OCDs and Rs.2409.31 crore as grants-in-aid) was released. In 2006-07 the company started making profit and it was decided to stop release of further assistance to IFCI. The OCD terms said that IFCI can repay OCD to government.
The equity holding of Public Sector-Banks / Financial Institutions / Insurance Companies remained over the threshold limit of 51 percent till March 2004. Thereafter dilution in the holding took place in 2005 and it came below 51 percent.
Committee of Secretaries was constituted, headed by the Finance Secretary and comprising of Secretaries from the Departments of Economic Affairs, Expenditure and Financial Services. The Committee, after due consideration and taking into account all the facts, has inter-alia recommended to convert the OCDs of Rs.400 crore and Rs.523 crore into equity at par and that the Government need not make an open offer to the shareholders of IFCI and instead take exemption from SEBI under Section 11(1) of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of shares and takeovers) Regulations, 2011.
Let the understand the impact of this conversion :
a) IFCI will become a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU), which will come under the ambit of bureaucracy, which may lead to delay in decision making.
b) The Expected EPS of FY12 will fall from around Rs 8 to Rs 3.60.
c) The price of Equity shares before the conversion was around Rs 35/-, After the conversion keeping other things same and Increasing the capital and decreasing the debt by Rs 923 crores, The new value comes to Rs 21 /-. (Cost of Equity)
There is a direct diminution in the value of IFCI call for us to see it lens and raises the question of Bureaucracy against Minority Investors. There are several points to look into the conversion of OCD.
a) Can Government convert the OCD in Equity? Yes It was in the terms when OCD of Rs 523 Crores were issued, also the Prevailing Market Price at time of issue of OCD was below Par, We should also understand that IFCI has received grants to the tune of 2409 crores.
About the issue of OCD worth 400 crores , it was a cash neutral transaction to maintain Tier I capital of the company. Also IFCI has the right to Prepay these OCD, I am not too sure How can government convert it in shares, effectively values of that Rs 400 crores become much more because of conversion, whereas IFCI investment of Rs 400 Crores in GSec does not change.
b) Can IFCI challenge such conversion : I doubt about it, The conversion is as per agreements, but which may not be bad in law but it may be bad in spirits ? It is an executive order by CCS, where Law and State Machinery are part of it.
c) What about Minority shareholders : Minority Shareholders stand to lose, because of conversion. There was a disclosure for conversion, along with that it was mentioned that the conversion will have to follow Takeover guidelines. As per the guidelines, The government will have to buy 26% shares from minority shareholders as per SEBI formula of offer Price. But Instead the government choose to take exemption from SEBI u/s 11(1).
As per section 11(1), The SEBI board can grant exemption from making an offer for acquiring shares under the regulation after recording the reasons in writing from acquirer and if it is in the interest of investors in securities and the securities market.
I fail to understand, how exemption is in interest of Investors or Market, It seems these section is invoked to not make open offer.
d) Can SEBI look in the Matter : NO and Yes. SEBI cannot stay the conversion as they are as per terms and condition of OCD, but YES SEBI can take a stand on Open offer, I don't know how can SEBI get convinced that such exemption is in the interest of the Investors and markets. These will be a case for SEBI , where its stand for Investor Protection may be compromised.
As of now It does not seem that SEBI will be able to stand for Investor Protection and its stand may be compromised.
What about the future: IFCI as an institution is regaining its dominance, but after the conversion there are areas where clarity will emerge only in future
a) Decision making may become slow.
b) IPO of one of its subsidiaries will be delayed, reducing its valuation
c) The talks of inducting a strategic investor will be a thing of past
d) Its biggest blessing in disguise may be that they may get a banking licence , which is also in distant future.
The returns of IFCI minority shareholders in long run will vindicate government action for conversion of shares.
I welcome you critical comments and suggestions